Productive Relationships
by Matt Mattson
What do I do?
When you are passionate about spreading human connection by sharing Social Excellence, it's a little hard to explain to your neighbors or airplane seatmates.
What do I do?
Sometimes I say I'm a speaker. Sometimes I say I'm a business owner. Sometimes I say I'm a teacher (this one feels closest to true, but it just confuses people). Sometimes I actually try to explain it in detail despite the glazed over eyes of the questioner. Sometimes I'm lazy and say I teach people how to be nice to each other.
But I think I've found a better way to talk about it.
Here's what we do. We help people be able to create more PRODUCTIVE RELATIONSHIPS in their lives so that they can achieve what's important to them through the power of those relationships.
Productive relationships. That simple word combination has been resonating so clearly with me. Relationships that produce something. Like learning, or growth, or impact, or collaboration, or organizational success, or business results, or progress along humanity's unending march forward... Relationships for the sake of relationships are wonderful (because humans need relationships as much as they need food and water), but we focus on something different than that. We focus on relationships that produce. Productive relationships.
Could your life be better if it had more PRODUCTIVE relationships in it? Could your business run smoother? Could your organization be more effective? Could your congregation grow more organically? Could your friendships and romantic partnerships be more fulfilling? Not just relationships, but relationships that produce. I think almost everything in life would be better if we as humans had more productive relationships. That's what I teach. That's what I do.